It Starts With Blue
the universe new and ancient and blue
blue like an infant’s question
bluer than all the bitter blue in the ocean
blue underwear
a blue appaloosa in the summer midnight
indigo blue and the lovers who will never meet
blue paper with silver poems
blue peppermint liquor on a neck devoured and chased through a hundred instances of lips and nail polish
a case of blue and a bottle of blue
my first beer and the aftercrush of the swingin’ life in a bar with rock and roll fists in the metal halide wash
blue stains on my carpet after drinking blue beer
blue asses and blue shafts
a blue flag on a beach
blue hallucinogen flashback – women painted blue wearing nothing but spatulas
a twelve-year-old fumble under a blue bra
a pop-rock and lick-m-aid tongue blue slurpees and licorice
a swimming pool greenblue shimmering in the dark
a hand on a pair of stonewash levis ripped blue
a lovenote in junior high papermate blue stick pen with the smelly ink
a blue note from a busted horn
a heeler with blue paws and a big snout
that blue pill that’ll make you hard
the blue sting
the blue disappointment
the speculum spreading the blue sky
the long blue calendar with days marked off since he left
blue fast
blue face
blue hair
blue high
blue head
blue feet
blue deal
blue list
blue sex
blue rage
blue rip
blue death
battlefield, crimsonblue with no heroes
dreams of a world more gentle - the blue wings that’ll take us away
sweet loving with the sunday morning blue bells
blue denouement
primary color
holder of sorrow, jazz, and sky
the color of moving closer
the color of lightning
© Michael Gravel